Wartime Reconstruction Community Centers

We Find a Way

Wartime Reconstruction Community Centers

In addition to our humanitarian extraction efforts, we developed a reconstruction project in Kherson, Ukraine together with sponsors Krohn Breakthrough Foundation and our partners at Free People Ukraine.
Kherson was initially taken by Russian forces. By sheer determination and fighting spirit, the people of Kherson reclaimed their once bustling port city. Homes are now in shambles due to the heavy damages.
Our team of Ukrainian civilian volunteers is going door to door, apartment to apartment, mending shattered windows, repairing roofs, and doing whatever it takes to make these people’s homes a true sanctuary. They work tirelessly, and the emotions run high as they see the dire conditions in which these families are living.
We Find a Way

One of Three Community Centers in Kherson

As a sister program to Wartime Reconstruction, we erected community centers in Kherson available to residents as they return to their homes. Food, power, and water remain scarce in this war-torn area, and people are struggling to survive.

Thankfully, the team has a gathering point at the WRCC (Wartime Reconstruction Community Center), which provides the community with generators for power, Starlink satellite internet, fuel, clean water, and lite foodstuffs. Together, the programs combine to rebuild Ukraine, brick by brick.


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