
We Find a Way

Ukraine Operations

The tip of Allied Extract’s sword, the most complex and dangerous thing our brave volunteers do.

Led by our partners on the ground, and In partnership with the Ukrainian forces, we fill vehicles with emergency foodstuffs, water purification, and medical supplies to those often cut off by the Russian forces. After delivering the aid, we fill the vehicles with civilians requiring evacuation.

Our raison d’etre, our founding mission. We find a way.
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Support These Critical Operations

Medical and Humanitarian Aid

Through Ukrainian and foreign networks on the ground, our team carefully plans and executes aid delivery to those in areas with no routine access to food, clean water, and hygiene…

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Medical and Humanitarian Aid

Through Ukrainian and foreign networks on the ground, our team carefully plans and executes aid delivery to those in areas with no routine access to food, clean water, and hygiene items. We also directly resupply front-line hospitals with their most needed medical supplies and support medical evacuations of Ukraine’s most critical victims.

Medical and Humanitarian Aid

Medical and Humanitarian Aid

Medical and Humanitarian Aid

Medical and Humanitarian Aid

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Donation Total: $100

Medical Evacuations

From critically ill neonates to those wounded in war, civilians and troops are provided world-class medical care and transport to equipped international hospitals.

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Medical Evacuations

Saving lives. Extracting those in crisis and conflict.

Artesans ResQ

From critically ill neonates to those wounded in war, civilians and troops are provided world-class medical care and transport to equipped international hospitals by the Germany-based team Artesans ResQ. Our own volunteer Tom, an EMT in America, has spent several months in Ukraine transporting patients with Artesans ResQ.

Allied Extract, together with Krohn Breakthrough Foundation, is proud to sponsor this team’s operations as they further our mission of extracting vulnerable world citizens from conflict and crisis.

Medical Evacuations

Medical Evacuations

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Donation Total: $100

Medical Training

In furtherance of our mission to provide life-sustaining aid, Allied Extract proudly sponsors medical training through Trident Defense Initiative.

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Medical Training

Teaching field trauma care. Saving a generation.

Trident Defense Initiative Medial Training

In furtherance of our mission to provide life-sustaining aid, Allied Extract proudly sponsors medical training through Trident Defense Initiative. Founded by a former British soldier who joined the Ukrainian Marines, the Trident Defense Initiative Medical Training program teaches medical personnel high-level field trauma care through an intensive 3-week course that includes advanced airway management, large joint and spine stabilization, and pharmacology. Each program produces 30 EMT-level graduates that take their new skills to the field.

Medical Training

Medical Training

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Donation Total: $100

Extractions: Aid In, People Out

In partnership with the Ukrainian forces, we fill vehicles with emergency foodstuffs, water purification, and medical supplies to those often cut off by the Russian forces.

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Extractions: Aid In, People Out

In partnership with NGO’s on the ground, we support missions bringing life-sustaining aid to those in besieged cities trapped without even running water.

On return, aid vans transition to evacuation vehicles, bringing people to safety even amid artillery fire.


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Donation Total: $100

Orphanages and Shelters

Through team members on the ground, we support over 270 orphans or displaced children as a result of war. By providing support for their daily needs, we ensure the most…

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Orphanages and Shelters

Through team members on the ground, we support over 270 orphans or displaced children as a result of war. By providing support for their daily needs, we ensure the most innocent, vulnerable victims of this war are not forgotten.

Orphanages and Shelters

Orphanages and Shelters

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Donation Total: $100

Restaurant Feeding First Responders

For $1 per person per day, Klukva&Brukva prepares 1,500 meals per day for the elderly, national guard members, hospital employees, and civilians.

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Restaurant Feeding First Responders

For $1 per person per day, Klukva&Brukva prepares 1,500 meals per day for the elderly, national guard members, hospital employees, and civilians. In this project, we look to support daily operating overhead.

This restaurant is providing crucial meals to sustain front-line workers and civilians in Kyiv.

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Donation Total: $100